The Futurpreneur Canada Cash Flow Template is here to help you outline your start up costs, financing, sales forecasts and complete a month-by-month cash flow for two years.
Start-up Costs: Just like it sounds, start-up costs are any costs associated with starting your business. This includes things like insurance, office furniture, website, legal fees, etc.
Sales Forecast: When projecting sales, you’ll start by making some general assumptions, such as how much you’ll charge, seasonal variations, major marketing initiatives, etc. Then you will provide a brief explanation of how these result in sales figures, on a monthly basis. The key here is to set realistic estimates of what you expect your sales to be as a result of marketing activities.
Cash Flow: Think of the cash flow as the story of the money that enters and then leaves your bank account on a monthly basis. Using this template will help you plan your cash flows for a two year period. The cash flow helps you to see how and when cash will enter and leave your business.
Whether you’re planning on applying to the Futurpreneur Canada Start-up Program for financing and mentoring or simply looking for a template to fine tune your financials this set of templates will help you on your way.
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